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Everyone loves good publicity. Especially when it’s free publicity. A press release provides an opportunity to share newsworthy information about a business to the media. In order to have the greatest success with a PR campaign and not upset any of your media contacts, there are certain rules that should be followed. 

Seven Things Your Press Release Should Have Before it’s Published

  1. Newsworthy – One of the biggest mistakes a business can make when implementing a PR campaign is to distribute non-newsworthy information. Newsworthy content can be defined as information that is new, groundbreaking, local, of public interest, or includes people who are famous. or of public interest.
  2. Grammar Check – When you are sending a press release to the media, know that it is being read by journalists. Don’t use jargon in your release – write for the consumer.
  3. Stick to the Facts – A press release isn’t a blog or research article. It is a factual piece of content that should contain real data and information presented in a manner that enlightens and grabs attention.
  4. Quotes, please – Gathering quotes from key parties related to the content is an important step all writers should make. It lends authority and authenticity to the content and with the right quote, can help the media envision how a potential story could play out.
  5. Call to Action – Your press release should give enough information to support the press release, but should be written leaving the reader wanting to know more. It is important to close our your release with contact information for media inquiries and instructions on how to learn more.
  6. Cite Sources – If you use statistics or other data – and you should – be sure to cite your source. The first thing the media is going to do is look to see where you got your information. If you can’t prove your statistics, don’t list them.
  7. Use Images or Other Media – Images and video help bring your press release full circle. Research suggests that by using visual elements in a press release, the content’s visibility can grow a staggering 552%.

There is a difference between people who claim to know how to write press releases and those who actually do. It is vital that businesses identify what differs between the two. Writing for the sake of writing can only hurt your business in the long run. Instead, choose an agency that can cultivate content in such a way that it is attention-grabbing, informative and accurate. Envision how the press release will be seen in a news story, and if yours doesn’t fit the bill, go back to the drawing board. Remember, your release is essentially a news story. Write it (or have it written) like one.


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