Return on investment isn’t a new concept. It is the measure of the effectiveness of a marketing strategy, represented as a percentage of positive or negative growth. For some areas of marketing, putting ROI into concrete figures is pretty black and white (and...
Return on investment (or ROI) is a familiar concept to nearly every business owner. It is the measure of the effectiveness of a marketing strategy, represented as a percentage of positive or negative growth. In the traditional world of economics, ROI refers to a...
A challenging feat for many businesses is tracking what is working in their marketing efforts. Knowing the importance of lead tracking and having a team that is committed to helping solve for it can be entirely two separate tasks. When it comes to social media, the...
Implementing a social media presence is a big step towards effectively marketing a medical practice or facility. For many practices, the decision to get started in social media is arduous. Once the presence has been established, practices often find themselves waiting...