by Melanie Herron | Jan 25, 2013 | Blog
A common question among medical practices is whether or not they should hire a full-time marketing person or outsource. I can appreciate both sides of the debate having worked as both the marketing director of several health care organizations as well as the president...
by Melanie Herron | Dec 26, 2012 | Blog
The reputation of a medical provider can drive the success or failure of a medical practice. Patients today use the internet to share their experiences with others. It is vitally important that medical providers take a proactive approach to online reputation...
by Melanie Herron | Jul 18, 2012 | Blog
As marketing consultants, a question we frequently are asked is how to deliver the argument of adding social media to a medical practice. Medical providers are typically cautious when considering moving to the social media realm of marketing. This challenge puts the...
by Melanie Herron | Aug 29, 2011 | Blog
When I was in graduate school I learned about how patients were taking a more proactive approach to their healthcare planning. They wanted control and decision making power. Why is it then that so many patients still depend on their medical provider to tell them...
by Melanie Herron | May 9, 2011 | Blog
A few weeks ago, we talked about how, as a doctor, it is your obligation to go to the patient with answers if the patient will not come to you for medical information. As you may have noticed, the health-related searching trend on Google is only increasing. It is...