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Better Healthcare Branding in 3 Steps

Better Healthcare Branding in 3 Steps

A brand is the very essence of a business. It conveys who the company is, what the company does and why consumers should trust them. It is the thing that establishes credibility. It is a part of everything the organization does every day. A successful brand is not...

Why Marketing Without a Plan will Cost You in 2015

The final quarter of the year is a time of planning for business leaders. As the year’s success and challenges are reviewed, a plan for progress is also determined. It is the goal of every businesses to make more money while spending less. To achieve this, medical...

Social Proof: Changing the Way Business is Done

Social proof. It is defined as informational social influence and is taking the way we do business by storm. Social proof is a psychological shift in one’s thinking based upon the actions of others. A perfect example of social proof is the fact that many businesses...