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The Science Behind Email Marketing

As the healthcare industry evolves into a more consumer driven marketplace it essential that businesses implement strategies that allow them to retain existing patients while securing new ones. There are many ways to market within healthcare, and thankfully they are...

Why Keywords Matter in Your Healthcare Website

Have you ever found yourself itching for information? Have you ever been curious to know the answer to a particular question or the location of a particular place? How often have you gone to Google or another search engine trying to find the answer, only to be...

How Videos Turn Prospects into Patients

One of the most effective ways to generate new website leads that turn prospects into patients is through video content.  Video content is attention getting. It has become more important for providers to add this essential content to their websites as consumers lean...

Blogging Effectively Between Patients

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to generate new leads and patients for your medical organization. Marketing has evolved from selling to educating. Blogs allow businesses to provide information on a variety of topics that are relevant to their organization....