Some things are just more fun in quantities greater than one. This is especially the case when it comes to marketing. When you put all of your proverbial marketing eggs in one basket, you limit your opportunities for success. Yeah, you may save money, but consider how...
“You can’t hit targets you aren’t aiming at.” This compelling quote from the founder of BNI founder, Dr. Ivan Misner, is a perfect introduction to the importance of goal setting. The new year brings about change in many forms. In business, the new year often means...
The last quarter is an important time for business executives and marketers. It is the time of year for assessing overall marketing performance so the right decisions can be made for the coming year. If this isn’t the very first thing you do when developing a...
You’ve probably heard that success in business is often more about who you know than what you do. While knowing the right people can launch your business’s success, if you don’t provide a quality product, your success will be limited. Developing relationships...
Return on investment isn’t a new concept. It is the measure of the effectiveness of a marketing strategy, represented as a percentage of positive or negative growth. For some areas of marketing, putting ROI into concrete figures is pretty black and white (and...