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The Greeting That Makes a Difference

Every relationship starts with that first phone call, that first meeting between your practice and your potential patient. First impressions can help make or break your healthcare marketing strategy. This is common knowledge, yet many practices find that business is...

Lending a Listening Ear in Healthcare

Health is one of the most valuable things to any individual. As someone who has an impact on a patient’s well being, lending a listening ear to fears and concerns is important for you to remember, because it is one of the most direct ways to grow your practice....

Marketing for the Season

This is the time of year when censuses at hospitals and wait times at doctor’s offices go up, up, up. Wintertime and springtime are when ailments such as colds, allergies, and the flu hit patients hard. Though your workload may be increasing, did you know that...

Appearances Matter in Healthcare

The aesthetic appearance of a medical office can often mean the difference between one that grows and one that does not. Medical marketing not only includes creating a campaign that helps grow your practice, it also includes helping you implement the changes needed to...