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Better Healthcare Branding in 3 Steps

Better Healthcare Branding in 3 Steps

A brand is the very essence of a business. It conveys who the company is, what the company does and why consumers should trust them. It is the thing that establishes credibility. It is a part of everything the organization does every day. A successful brand is not...

5 Tips for Better Patient Communication

Communication is vital for a patient’s health and helps deepen the provider/patient relationship. Studies show that there is a strong correlation between the communication skills of the healthcare team and the patients ability to follow recommendations. Here are...

The Best Patient Review Advice for Doctors

Negative reviews are an unfortunate reality of life. There is no way in the world to make every customer or patient happy all the time. There is always going to be something that could have been done better or differently in a customer or patient’s life. When the...

Tips for Reducing HIPAA Violation Risks on Social Media

Social media marketing has evolved into a highly effective tactic for deepening relationships with patients and continuing the communication after they leave the office. Yet when healthcare providers communicate with patients on public sites such as Facebook they run...