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The Cost of Employee Engagement in Healthcare

The key to a successful business is having a team of talented, committed and engaged people. The employees within an organization are its lifeblood. This couldn’t be truer in healthcare where turnover is high and finding qualified staff can be challenging and...

Three Things You Must Know Before Using Stock Images

Pairing images with marketing messages is an important marketing strategy tactic. It increases retweets on Twitter by 150% and boosts Facebook engagement 2.3x over posts without pictures. Unless you’re a photographer with a substantial portfolio, at some point,...

Does Influencer Marketing Work in Healthcare?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a picture taken and shared on social media by an influencer of a product or service should be worth a million – dollars. A simple picture or post shared by an influencer can often do more for a brand than traditional...

Seven Tactics to Improve Search Ranking

Having a website is one thing. Getting found online is another. For a website to rank well online, certain tactics must be implemented. While some are a one-time occurrence, others require regular maintenance. Search engine optimization (SEO), can get rather...